COBWEB Consort-based WEB tool an online writing aid tool for writing a randomized trial report
Report, edit, share, and export your trial manuscript in line with the CONSORT statement and its subsequent extensions.

COBWEB is an online manuscript writing aid tool intended to guide authors through the process of manuscript writing of Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) in line with the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) and its subsequent extensions.
The tool guides authors through several templates developed presenting the CONSORT checklist items followed by bullet points to elicit them and an example of adequate reporting tailored to the context. The items and its bullet points are customized for several study designs (individual, cluster trials, and non inferiority trials) and types of interventions (pharmacological and non-pharmacologic treatments such as participative interventions and surgery).
The templates developed take into account all CONSORT recommendations from the main CONSORT, E&E document, and the extensions for abstracts and harms altogether in one document along with the special recommendations for the study type.
Today, the tool includes 13 different templates that cover 78% of types of trials. Additional templates are under development.

Our aim
Ensure optimal use of the CONSORT Statement and its extensions, thus leading to an improvement in the transparency of articles reporting randomised trials.
Why use COBWEB?
- To decrease the waste of research due to inadequate reporting of clinical trials
- Most editors request the use CONSORT reporting guidelines when reporting RCTs
- The potential workload to adhere to all CONSORT guidelines could be high for authors (a median of 4 documents and 67 pages to consult)
- COBWEB can reduce the workload of checking the different CONSORT statements relevant to study type.
Cobweb is developed and financed by the Centre de Recherche en Épidémiologie, French Equator center with the participation of
- AP-HP Le Groupe hospitalier Cochin (Paris)
- Cancéropôle Île-de-France